Our Pro Membership (also known as the Pro All Access Pass) is available under TWO payment plans:
Automatically Renewing: $499 first year. Automatically renews $399/year thereafter.
Non-Renewing: $675 for one year of access. Will not renew.
The Automatically Renewing plan is discounted for TWO reasons:
This is our most popular plan
This plan reflects that you intend to be with the OCEG community in the long-run
Cancel at any time
The Non-Renewing plan will not renew and there is no need to cancel. The Automatically Renewing plan may be canceled at any time. More specifically, this means that you may "turn off" the VIP Autopay feature to prevent future charges.
VIP Benefits (available when VIP Autopay is turned on)
The VIP Autopay feature signals that you intend to be with the OCEG community in the long-run. People who make this commitment enjoy certain VIP Benefits:
VIP Price Protection to lock in current pricing
VIP Certification Protection to ensure certifications stay active
VIP support & access to get stuff others don’t get
VIP Early Access Sprints
VIP Livestreams with OCEG Executives
VIP Content
VIP Priority Support